Alkaline Water Health Benefits and Possible Side Effects
Water is essential for survival. A lot of body functions are maintained by water. As a result, you need to take care of your water intake. The pH of water plays a very important role as many people complain of acidity and similar issues. if the water is acidic in nature, it can increase acidity problems which may result in ulcer formation. If you are unaware of what pH is and the role it plays in your drinking water, read along…
What is pH?

pH stands for potential hydrogen which is a measure of the concentration of hydrogen ions in the solution. This value provides people with an idea of how acidic or alkaline any solution is. the pH ranges from 0 to 14 with midpoint 7 considered to be neutral. pH values lesser than 7 are considered acidic (think lemon juice, tamarind, tartaric acid, etc.), while pH values higher than 7 are alkaline (antacid, soap, etc.). While a pH of 1 is considered highly acidic, pH 14 means highly alkaline.
Why is Alkaline Water Important?
Since the concept of pH is clear, understanding alkaline water becomes easy. As the term means, alkaline water has a pH higher than 7. Usually, it is in the pH range of 8-9. While people may think that neutral water is the best, many medical experts believe that alkaline water is ideal for people who are suffering from acidity problems. Though acidity may be considered a minor problem, chronic acidity can result in constant or frequent reflux. This can cause many problems including heartburn, heart disease, digestive system disorders including GERD (gastroesophageal reflux disease), ulcers, arthritis, lowered immunity, etc. As a result, taking control of acidity is very important, and alkaline water can play a major role in it.
How to Make Alkaline Water?

Before venturing into making alkaline water, it is important to know the pH of the water you are using. The easiest way to test the pH of any solution, including water, is to use a pH strip. This strip is easily available in the market and has a standard pH color chart to help you determine the approximate pH of the solution. All you need to do is dip the strip in water and compare the color change to the chart provided to determine the pH. If the pH of water is 7 or less, it means that the water is neutral or acidic and you need to add an alkali to increase the pH. For obtaining alkaline water, the pH of the water should be around 8 or 9.
If you are suffering from acidity and the doctor recommends alkaline water, then you can easily make it at home using alkaline filters or common ingredients:
Baking Soda – Since it is alkaline in nature (pH 9), mixing it (1/2 tablespoon) in water will result in alkaline water.
Lemon – When added to water and consumed, it becomes alkaline. Add lemon slices (6-8) in water (2 liters) and let it sit overnight before consuming it.
pH Drops – They are available at medical stores and can increase the pH of water instantly.
Alkaline Filter – Water from RO purifiers is usually neutral. Adding an alkaline filter post-purification can increase the pH of water.
Aquafresh Alkaline RO – You may also purchase an Aquafresh Alkaline water purifier which is specially built to provide alkaline water.
Health Benefits of Alkaline Water

Drinking alkaline water can have several health benefits. Researchers have found that drinking alkaline water can result in the deactivation of the enzyme pepsin which is a major cause of acid reflux, thereby providing relief to the patients. Other health benefits of alkaline water include strengthened bones, improved digestion, reduced acidity issues, improved immunity, lowered risk of heart diseases, weight loss, detoxification of the body, and anti-aging effects.
Are There any Side Effects to Alkaline Water?
Though alkaline water is generally considered safe for drinking, some people may experience side effects once they make the switch. Most common side effects include runny nose, headaches, fatigue, softer and darker stools. However, these are general signs indicating that toxins are being removed from the body. Usually, the side effects disappear once the body becomes accustomed to the alkaline water. Depending on individuals, it can take from a few days to a few weeks for these effects to subside.
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