Best RO+UV+UF+TDS Water Purifiers in India
The role of water purifiers has become a pivotal one in nearly every household today. There are multiple water purifying technologies, which are available today in the market, and consumers are sometimes juggled between them. Below are the 5 best RO+UV+UF+TDS water purifiers in India, for you to make the right choice:
Aquafresh Alkalina RO (₹7,500.00)

If you are searching for a good water purifier for your sweet home, then this Aquafresh Alakalina RO+UV+UF+TDS water purifier would be the right purchase! This purifier is designed in such a way that it fulfills the clean water requirements for small households. With a capacity of purifying twelve to fifteen liters of water per hour, this purifier has only nine kilograms of weight and is medium-sized, so it can be installed at any place one likes. With UV-failure-indicator, you can know when to get it serviced. The best part is that this RO is an electricity saver.
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Aquafresh Edge 7 (₹7,500.00)

Best suited for big households and offices, Aquafresh Edge 7 can purify 120 liters of water in 1 day and has a storage capacity of 8 liters. This purifier is automatic and has a 10-stage purifying technique that makes the water fit for consumption for children as well as for the elderly. It is easy to operate, and at the same time, you can place it anywhere, on any wall or any shelf, etc. With automatic functioning and indications, you can be assured of drinking clean water once this purifier is deployed. The best part is that the antibacterial doser of this purifier betters the taste of water.
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Aquafresh Glory (₹7,500.00)

Ideal for bigger families and workplaces, Aquafresh Glory is having the capacity of purifying 120 liters of water in one day and is having a storage capacity of 14 liters. Aquafresh Glory water purifier is automatic and is having a 10-stage purification technique that purifies the water and makes it fit for consumption both by children as well as for elderly people. You can operate it easily, and at the same time, can place it anywhere, on a wall or shelf, etc. With automatic functioning and indications, rest assured to drink clean and healthy water once the purifier is deployed. The best part is that the antibacterial doser of this purifier betters the taste of water.
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Aquafresh Nexus Camry (₹7,500.00)

With a copper filter, Nexus Camry can be used in houses as well as workplaces. It is having a capacity of purifying 120 liters in one day and is having a storage tank with 12 liters capacity. This purifier is light in weight and employs a ten-stage purifying technique, which makes it ideal for commercial uses. Other features include SMPS, flushing system, UV failure indicator, push-fit connectors, and an automatic cut-off/on the system for indicating the need for servicing and ensuring a continuous supply of healthy drinking water.
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Aquafresh Nexus Leva (₹10,500.00)

Better suited for big families and office spaces, Aquafresh Nexus Leva can purify 120 liters of water in one single day and is having a storage capacity of 18 liters. Nexus Leva water purifier is completely automatic and employs a 10-stage purification technique, which purifies the water and makes it fit for consumption by children and the elderly alike. It’s easy-to-operate, and can be placed anywhere (wall or shelf). With automatic functionalities and indications, rest assured to drink healthy water once Nexus Leva is deployed. The antibacterial doser also betters the taste of water.
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After going through the above specifications, you can go on to purchase the one that best suits your interests! and Don’t forget to buy an Aquafresh Nexus water purifier on the official website of Aquafresh RO “” at the best rates.
Must Read: Five Chosen RO Systems for Home Use in India
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